My clogs cleared, not hardly! Not with the overload of misinformation and plain bull the media in general tries to push down our throat. Do you have to listen, watch this crap? Do we have to hear our friends, associates express their bigoted prejudiced opinions.
Papa hates Mama, Mama hates Dad!
Where does one go, not to hear Christian hating. Not to hear Muslim hating.
Why can't christians say Christ, God or pray when ever, where ever?
Who tells the muslim not ta say Allah?
In this country, its getting harder and harder to say "In God We Trust"!
In other lands, including this country you hear praise Allah anytime, any place!
Its not your average person making all these stupid laws.
What is the motivation of our law makers??? Is there some reason our freedom is being undermined? Who are those people? Who are they working for? What is their agenda?